4 Digital Disruptions to Look Forward To

Living in the golden age of technology has made it impossible to predict the future. Mankind Is experiencing exponential technological developments that are unprecedented and have never before occurred in history. The world is constantly transforming, and entire industries have been disrupted in the space of several months.

What Are Digital Disruptions?

Digital disruptions are not just superficial changes. They are fundamental and change business models in the long term. They mark new eras in technology, and change the whole world’s way of thinking.

Digital disruption drives innovation and forces companies to think outside the box and exceed outdated standards. Forward-thinking managers and owners will find a lot of success as they expand and improve existing processes to meet their consumers’ new needs and wants.

Cloud storage, ride-sharing, and online streaming services are just some of the most prominent digital disruptions the world has seen in the last few years and it’s safe to say that many more are coming.

Here are four digital disruptions that you may not be expecting but can look forward to:

1. Augmented Humans

In the next five or ten years, much of medical-based innovations will center on expanding human capability. Technology already allows humans to augment themselves through limb prosthetics and implants for hearing and heart health. In the future, human brains may be able to interface directly with technology, opening the door to many possibilities such as including computer-based thinking and reintegrating lost memories.

2. Synthetic DNA Storage

The world is run by data. Millions of exabytes of data are generated and distributed every millisecond of every day and industries worldwide need storage solutions that can handle massive amounts of data and store them in the long term.

This is where synthetic DNA storage comes in. Binary data in base pairs can be encoded into the base pairs of synthetic DNA. Calculations show that one gram of synthetic DNA can store all the data generated by every single human in one year. This data can then be stored where it’s needed for the long term.

3. Distributed Cloud Services

Distributed cloud services will allow you to run cloud infrastructure in many different locations and manage everything from a single control panel. This means you can deploy your business and run applications using other cloud providers’ data centers or colocation centers. Through this technology, you will be able to choose cloud locations and environments that meet your performance and regulatory compliance requirements.

The demand for distributed cloud services is driven by artificial intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) applications that require enormous computing power to process data in real-time.

4. Space-Based Computations

As new technologies are developed, they require more and more computing power. Humanity has skyrocketed past traditional and digital computing and is now turning to quantum and space-based computing technologies. This allows for faster processing and lower computing costs.


With technological developments in all industries going full throttle, there are a lot of things you can look forward to in the next five to ten years. The best way to prepare for these disruptions is to have flexible workflow systems that leave space for improvement and development. Utilizing all the latest developments means that you will always be prepared and able to pivot as needed.

Are you looking for digital transformation consulting services for your business? AscentCore is a modern technology services company that can help with your digital business transformation. We create, modernize, and accelerate digital initiatives. Contact us today to find out how we can help!