How to Develop a Cost-Efficient and High-Quality Mobile App

If you’re a business owner looking to expand and get more customers to care about your products or services, having a stable digital presence is integral. One essential way to increase customer engagement is to consider custom application development. When you design a mobile app, you provide a more personal experience for your prospects and offer them convenience like no other.

But you may be wondering how to develop an app or even get started. Keep reading below to find out how your business can develop an affordable app without compromising quality.

Make a Plan

The first step to any successful venture is to ensure that everything is laid out and carefully planned. The more precise planning you can do from the beginning, the fewer errors you may encounter down the road.

One thing to consider is researching your desired audience to make sure you understand their needs so you know what kind of functionality to include and ensure your users find your app helpful. You will know the app you release for your company is effective when your target audience receives it with open arms.

Besides researching the right audience to target, you also need to learn about your competition. It will help to learn what your competitors’ apps involve, such as the features they offer, their software’s UX/UI elements, their target audience, and what makes your mobile app more unique than theirs.

Consider a Cross-Platform Feature

Depending on your prospects, most of your customers will be using an iPhone or Android smartphone. Unfortunately, if you want an app developer to build an app for both platforms, it could take a toll on your bank account. But, if you do decide to target customers that use both platforms, you must ensure you meet their needs and bring your business to them, wherever they may be. For best results, you should consider building a cross-platform app that will allow both iPhone and Android users to easily access, download, and successfully use your mobile app. That way, you won’t have to create separate apps, saving you plenty of money and time and bringing your brand closer to your audience.

Launch a Minimum Viable Product

Even if you have a unique idea for a mobile app, it won’t be successful if you don’t have a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). It’s a basic app that lets you see if your idea works and if you have to make any adjustments based on the feedback you receive from users.

Launching an MVP helps you save your money, time, and energy because you will get real world feedback from users and see how your apps’ functionality is working (or not). Encouraging people to leave their reviews on the app store or play store is helpful, too—that way, you know what changes you need to initiate before finalizing your brand’s app.


When you set your sights on hiring a software development company to create a mobile app for your business, you’re opening yourself up to the possibility of expanding your horizons. Even if your business has a small budget to fund your app, the tips above will help you get the best and most effective product possible.

If you’re interested in creating an app for your business, reach out to AscentCore, a custom application development company that delivers end-to-end product development services and specializes in an array of industries and solutions. Get in touch with us today to schedule a call!