Being late for meetings

While working from home, getting up with more than 15 minutes and actually getting ready before a meeting should be awarded. I mean, do you remember the old times when you were supposed to commute and spend at least one hour in traffic? Pepperidge farm remembers.

Although the hybrid work schedule is getting adopted in the companies more and more, one can’t deny that getting more sleep is nice. There’s a saying - “one worker’s pro is another worker’s con”, so you might find out that for some of your colleagues, the lack of a commute might be disorienting. Not every worker has the same needs or even the same home office.

A downside for WFH is that there’s no gossip.. coffee time before meetings. Those small talk moments with your colleagues to catch up on their weekend plans. You have no one to show your new expensive pair of shoes either, except maybe to your pets. Or kids. That’s fine too, even though they might not appreciate as much a great addition or your taste in fashion for that matter.

Trying to work

More time with your family and pets comes with a disadvantage as well. They usually tend to show up when you’re in an important meeting to show you their new shoes or to show your coworkers their new toy. Sometimes they even ask you super urgent questions, like if you like their new dress color. Here’s another one: your eight year old asks you to lower your voice while you’re on a business call so she can wipe off the dust…

On the other hand, the pro is that you don’t have to see your least favorite colleagues who keep setting the AC on the freezing mode.


Plenty of healthy home-cooked food instead of the junk you usually order after you wait until you are very hungry and just pick the first one that has the fastest delivery time. And it usually comes a little bit messy.. that you don’t even remember what it was supposed to be in the first place.

10 pm

After work is finally time to relax. At the computer. On the same chair. Because there isn’t a particular space in your house to do this, wait.. what day is it?

Once you begin to work from home regularly, your home is no longer just the place you unwind after a day at the office—it is the office, so you’ll need to adjust accordingly.

For Cornel Stefanache, who illustrated the above list, there is some crucial work from home benefits. However, as the cons column shows, these benefits come with some inconveniences, so finding ways to make the benefits work for you is key.