Initially the virus configuration was setup to simulate COVID-19 behavior but it can be configured as
- Manifestation start (day) - the average start day when the virus manifests - patient taken to
- Manifestation delay (days) - the maximum amount of days that the manifestation can be delayed
- Spread Probability - probability to pass the virus to a healthy neighboring person on contact
- Recovery Time - the average time needed for a patient to recover in hospital
- Mortality - fatality rate of the virus
- Reinfect Probability- probability of a person to get reinfectted after getting cured
Environment setup and social interactions:
- Population Size - number of individuals in the population
- Worker percent - the number of individuals that are actively working (work day will start at
6:00 +/- 4h and lasts for 8 hours
- Commercial Areas - number of places for people to work in
- Social Areas - number of places for people to go and socialize
- Visit probability - the probability of an individual to go and visit another one in its
- Social Probability- the probability of an individual to go and socialize in a public space